Dissenters have a hard time doing any actual damage to the systems they hate. Larpy marches on the capitol, failed attempts to attack big tech, and terrible attempts at political unity all plague any right-wing movement in America. It seems that those against the system cannot catch a break when they make organized attempts.
So, maybe it’s time for a different approach. Most of the attacks that have been on the system have been organized calls to action. Those organized calls to actions failed due to having a single point of failure and by being easy targets for media two minutes of hate. So instead, how about a silent, disorganized attack against the system? An attack that cannot be easily labeled, described, or even glued to an ideology. One that’s very easy to achieve, so easy in fact, it involves doing nothing. An attack that’s not even necessarily political at all, meaning that the neutrals and enemies can join in too. Perhaps, one that’s even already happening: What if we all just quietly quit?
Wallying Out
For those who don’t know, quiet quitting is the art of doing exactly as your told at your job. You don’t put any more effort in than bare minimum, you don’t offer help to others when they need it, you’re just there for the paycheck and nothing more. It’s the art of sleezing your way out of those implied responsibilities you gain when signing onto a job. The magical thing about quietly quitting is that most people take home the same pay in spite of their lack of effort. It’s a pretty neat trick to min-max effort to pay, but it’s one that can also easily be weaponized against the system with a little of craftsmanship.
What if dissenters, en masse, all opted to quietly quit? There’s enough of them that it would put some type of dent into the economy. That dent however is not enough. So, how about we not only quietly quit, we make it obvious that we’re quietly quitting too. What if we normalize quiet quitting? If other people see that someone is getting away with lofting around, they’ll maybe try it too. Those participating in quiet quitting can create a type of mind virus to slowly destroy a company from the inside out.
Ideally, this should be executed in a matter where it’s stealthy and unable to be pinpointed. Telling others not to work that hard, having meetings that disrupt the workflow, only do as asked, nothing more, and waiting on other people to get information for you when you ask for it to complete your job. All of these tricks can slow down work and give your coworkers the ability to relax, and hopefully, quietly quit.
This mentality is one way to cause problems in the workplace. Others exist in this lovely government document called the “SIMPLE SABOTAGE FIELD MANUAL”. Some tactics listed here are legal, some are illegal, read through it and make your own decision. It’s a wonderful read on how to undermine the workplace. The “General Interference with Organizations and Production” is exceptionally useful.
Using some of your own knowledge, wisdom found in others, and a bit of engineering, it’s likely that you too can quietly quit. Test boundaries and slowly push them to the extent you’re willing to push them. Once you figure out some strategies, share them with others so people can innovate on your laziness. This way, even non-political quiet quitters can benefit the cause and undermine the system.
When to avoid wallying out
There is a caveat with this: if you work in a field that directly helps the innocent, then it’s probably not a good idea to quietly quit. A doctor or pharmacist has the lives of the innocent in their hands and, if politics is supposed to be the art of governance to maintain the good, then it’s important to put your job duties first due to them having a direct net positive when used.
Similarly, if you are in an organization that is hetrodoxical to the current regime, then quiet quitting will only harm your chances of survival. If you wholeheartedly believe that your institution is working for the dissenter cause, then do not harm it.
Two Economies
Before we go into further weaponizing wallying out, we must discuss the concept of the economy and the counter-economy. The economy is the economics of the status quo. The corporate structure, the government regulations, the stagnated, statist capitalist forces we have in power. When people say “get a job”, they usually mean “work for a company”, effectively telling you to work within the economy.
However, the counter-economy is all things not within this system. The small businesses, entrepreneurs, free craftsman, freelancers, the gray market, precious metals, cryptocurrency, for-profit libre software, and all the other fun stuff your weird libertarian friend tells you about would lie here.
The counter-economy’s existence isn’t political in nature, however, it can become a vital tool for meeting political ends. A counter-economy that is possessed by those in the counter-culture is capable of feeding, clothing, and sheltering those that participate in it. This means that one of the main ways of corrosion that the system uses against its subject, threatening of economic assets, will be less powerful in the long term.
A Giant sucking sound of the dissenter’s siphon
Wallying out on its own is great, however, it’s not weaponized enough yet. For it to be weaponized, it must remove value from the economy and put it in counter-economy. This is where siphoning comes in. You should min-max work produced-to-income as much as possible. Take that money and then push it towards dissenter projects. This could either be by donating to, becoming financially involved, or starting ventures that are against the system in some way. This could mean starting your own business, becoming a land gentry, becoming involved in counter-culture art movements, or simply starting a family.
Business ventures in and around the gray economy
Ideally, the goal is that all dissenters are in the gray economy, however, they may not have the starting capital to be able to begin. If you are a marginal wealthy dissenter who wishes to make a counter-economy real, it’s vital that you offer the starting capital for those wishing to enter the dissenter economy. Dissenters who invest in dissenters will make the dissenter economy bigger.
Similarly, dissenters may be inexperienced in their realm of work. If you see someone with potential as an older dissenter, be absolutely certain you bring them under your wing and act as a mentor. Giving them practical advice, small projects, and other work-related utilities and connections will increase their likelihood of engaging in the dissenter economy.
If you are even mildly networked as a dissenter, be sure to link dissenters with other dissenters whenever possible. This could be a method of training new dissenters in necessary skills by getting them involved in economic or civil activities. All parties will appreciate it and the dissenter economy will grow stronger.
Most would also think that the customer base of a dissenter business should be dissenters, however, this is not the case. Remember that the goal is to siphon value out of the actual economy and into the dissenter economy. Trading among dissenters has its purpose in building trust and supporting your fellow dissenter, however it does not bring any new capital over to your side of the isle for use. If anything, the goal should be a form of political mercantilism where exports are maximized and imports are minimized.
This means that, for business owners, the trading prefernces are inverted. If you are making expenses, ensure those expenses are, as much as possible, going to dissenters rather than the system. If you must make a purchase for a server, ensure that hosting provider is on your side, or at the very least, neutral. If you’re buying a computer, ensure that the computer is used and from someone you trust (or at least doesn’t benefit dissenter hostile companies). Similarly, when you pay your taxes, ensure you avoid them to your fullest ability without stepping over that legal line.
A small note on political contributions
Unless you’re lobbying or giving money to someone who is lobbying, do not make political expenditures. Individual politicians are worthless in the grand scheme of things, especially on a congressional level. The goal shouldn’t be to obtain politicians, but influence those already there. The ideologies of the politicians are very stagnant and, thus, the same tricks that worked with the last will probably work with the next. Lobbying is a very effective tool, and we can only assume it’ll stay effective until the regime is changed. For now, the goal should be to obtain capital and also rob the system.
The only exception to this would be political informers who attempt to spread the message of dissent. These people are vital for recruitment and should be supported whenever possible. However, grifters are everywhere and these people should be thoroughly vetted before being supported, especially financially. If they’re not up to snuff, there is no reason to tolerate them.