Quality Works
A collection of works by others I deem as quality enough to share
- Geeks, MOPs, and sociopaths in subculture evolution - The way subcultures live and die by the lack of gatekeeping and the infiltration of abusers along with a solution.
- When Free Software Isn't (Practically) Superior - To BTFO those "but wangblows werks!!" people.
- Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software - Why the Open Source movement, and the term, is really an impractical misnomer for free as in freedom software.
- Intelligence is Overrated - An article on how intelligence is an inactive trait that can be easily manipulated if one is not careful.
- Why I Use the GPL and Not Cuck Licenses - An article on how the GNU GPL is the superior software license.
- Making Free Money off Credit Cards - An article on how to churn credit cards for making money. More research into the topic is suggested to see if its right for you.
- The Specialist Society - An article on how over-specialization into certain roles makes you a very fragile person.
- The Fragility of Physics - An article on how physics is one of the most fragile sciences to exist
- Science vs. Soyence - An article jabbing at human arrogance in knowledge and pop-science.
- The Parable of Alien Chess - A critique of the pursuit of predictability that exists in science.
- Veganism Is the Pinnacle of Bugmanism - An article on why veganism as a concept is retarded in every way, shape, and form.
- Memes at the End of Deconstruction - An article breaking down a lefty meme that depicts a political clusterfuck in the left over the 2022 Ukraine crisis. The article critiques the politicization of the event and how leftys doing this has lead to some cannibalization.
- Hedonism, Asceticism and the Hermetic Answer - An article on an alternative philosophical worldview in where the purpose of life is the celebration of creation.
- Conspiratorial Thinking and "Multiple Outs" - An article on the concept of "Multiple Outs" of situations and how that applies to both the personal and political world.
- Why It's Bad to Have High GDP - An article on the overuse and over valuation of GDP as it comes to assertaining how people live and their value.
- Roads should be abolished! - Get Anti-roadpilled in the matter of 13 minutes. Roads suck and cars do too.
- René Descartes - Fifth Meditation - An ontological proof for God's existance with annotations as for ease of reading.
- Immanuel Kant - Existence Is Not a Predicate (Apart of Critique of Pure Reason) - A rebuttle to the ontological proof for God's existance with annotations as for ease of reading. (Warning! Kant is tough to read so multiple read overs are expected as to have a full grasp)
- Ted Kaczynski - The System’s Neatest Trick - Talks about "The System" and how it diverts "rebellious feeling" into causes that over all cause the betterment of "The System".
- Technology, communism and the Brown Scare - Enumerations of the current anti-rightism fear that exists in the technological spheres. Also enumerates the issues with "protected classes" (marginalized people) and other critical or social justice concepts. Introduces the concept of "The Cathedral" (what some would refer to as "The System"; defined by the current socio-political rights and wrong. A form of Zeitgeist).
- Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog and the Left's "Incel" Problem - A Video enumrating the inconsistancies of the equality focused in regards to sex, incels, and feminists.
- A Formalist Manifesto - A crash-course of Moldbug's political backdrop and philosophy. A mix of anti-democratic, pro-privtization, and anti-centralization content packed into one 30 page essay.
- Discourse won't Save the Boomers (but let's try anyways) - An article giving tips on how to redpill your boomer parents and if you even can at all. The article ends with a message of hope for those engadging the boomer crowed on an intellectual level and that at least wisdom can be gained from them.
- Anime Won't Save the Zoomers (and neither will Dante) - A discussion about how semi-traditional media won't redpill anyone and how suggesting people read older, harder works (I.e Dante's Inferno or the Bible in its original Greek manuscripts) is a proverbial "Fuck You".
- IQ Shredders - An article that details the issue with immigrant magnet cities in how they both negatively effect the host city (and its nation) and the immigrants nation by means of creating what is known as a IQ Shredder.
- "Tradition, Conservatism, and Reaction", with Mark Citadel - The differences between Tradition, Conservativism, and Reaction and how these concepts relate to the displacement of society.
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