This is a page dedicated to my growing “canon” of for beliefs and ideology. It’s a flexible meta-document that will be added to, and removed from, at will. All pages listed here should be accurate representations of my beliefs. Pages not listed here aren’t necessarily not something I stand by or believe in, but may not be listed due to presentation quality concerns, the subject being way too experimental or underdeveloped to be considered canon, or not being of significant philosophical or political vitality to warrant being put into any of the categories. The articles that aren’t listed here due to not being reflective of my beliefs will be marked as such on their page.
On the subject of money, business, and the power those bring. Economically tangential topics may be discussed here as well.
🕓Reading Time: 22 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Mar 27, 2023
If any article I write is going to be worth skipping, this will be the one. Reason why: this will about a contemporary, developing topic. Most people who talk about anything of value should know that whatever concept or topic lies in “the new” is going to get the worst discussion. New topics have no depth, very little theory behind them, and every pseudo-intellectual will have their unprincipled, pet-opinion to toss into the ring on the subject. Most of the time, these pet-opinions are forgotten the second after they’re uttered because a newer new comes out to discuss.
🕓Reading Time: 14 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Dec 21, 2022
People are always shocked to hear that I support trade unions (conceptually that is). If you haven’t picked up on it by now, I’m right-wing, in fact, incredibly right-wing and since right wingers, usually, are infected with the horrible “I oppose current thing” mind-virus, it may be a shock that I support something that’s usually left wing. Now, I am not for unions as they currently stand under the NLRA: A monopolistic, democracy-influenced monstrosity that posits that it is the “exclusive representatives of all the employees” and, in some states, can demand the pay of other workers if you don’t live in a “right-to-work” state. However, those complaints aside, I am for unions.
On the subject of morality, ideas, and humanity speaking to itself on a grand scale. Some concepts here will be vast, others will be niche. A split of this section between beliefs about cultural structure and contemporary cultural studies may happen eventually.
🕓Reading Time: 12 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Oct 09, 2023
Often, I write my work with a presumption in mind: Progress is bad. This view is based in various points of view, some on the question of Industrialism, others on the corrosion inherit to progress-centric politics. This, in the eyes of most people, would put me firmly into the camp of “conservative”, which is a rather vague term, if I’m going to be honest.
I do not embrace the title of “conservative”, not only because labels are bad, but also because the label is inaccurate. When people talk of conservative action, in the mainstream at least, they talk about a specific flavor of weak, unprincipled, and naive type of politics: It’s the politics of “Stuckism”.
🕓Reading Time: 10 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Jul 18, 2023
Humanity has convenience and choice to such a point it borders on vice. Humanity assumes, due to said convenience and choice being an easy-to-digest abstraction over the complex reality of the world (along with the systems we build to deal with the complex reality), that the convenience and choice is simply a fact of reality that cannot be contested. Concisely: Since convenience and choice is delivered in an easy format, it’s easy to simply assume that it’ll be there due to its prevalence in society.
🕓Reading Time: 25 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: May 03, 2023
Concisely, precisely, this article will explain the anatomy of the rot that afflicts society as a whole. The source of this rot, how the rot manifests itself, and the conclusions of what the rot will bring upon us if it is to be tolerated in its festering will be discussed.
What is the rot
The rot is the self-accelerating, self-sustained, unprincipled breakdown of all extropic structures that are used as a means of navigating through, sorting out, and governing the logical and experienced world. The rot currently derives its energy from epiphenomenon produced by the systematic, incentive-based critique and dismantling of extropic structures set up by our society.
🕓Reading Time: 10 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Apr 11, 2023
“Vice is easy, virtue is hard” is a common mantra that I don’t believe to be true. The default perception of virtue is that it’s a thing to struggle towards, while vice is very easy to pick up and “enjoy”. While some vices and some virtues do fit this preconception, I find it hard to believe that it’s true for everything, or even most things. Is a productive hobby really so “hard” to do when you are driven by the enjoyment from it? Is helping a friend really that difficult if you care for them, or like spending time with them? Is tending to the emotional needs of a lover, whom you care for deeply, all that difficult?
🕓Reading Time: 13 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Mar 27, 2023
A cyber-ethos is, effectively, what most people would refer to as a community on the internet. It is a collective of people on the internet who are contributing to one, centralized internet culture that puts it apart from other internet cultures. Classic examples would be the SCP Foundation, general 4chan culture, and the various deep iFunny communities.
For those engrossed in internet memetics, such as myself, these cyber-ethoses serve as the cultural upstream from which most of the internet deviates from. The OC content of these places nourishes the web with its artistic flare and autistic zest. It’s the contemporary form of obscure culture and art clubs in the real world.
🕓Reading Time: 22 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Mar 27, 2023
If any article I write is going to be worth skipping, this will be the one. Reason why: this will about a contemporary, developing topic. Most people who talk about anything of value should know that whatever concept or topic lies in “the new” is going to get the worst discussion. New topics have no depth, very little theory behind them, and every pseudo-intellectual will have their unprincipled, pet-opinion to toss into the ring on the subject. Most of the time, these pet-opinions are forgotten the second after they’re uttered because a newer new comes out to discuss.
🕓Reading Time: 24 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Aug 29, 2021

Tribal Morality (or as I like to call it, Monkey Morality or Jungle-based Social Ethics) is a system of morality that seems to be most in line with the human sense of right and wrong. Tribalistic morality accepts human intuition as the best arbiter for moral decisions and their application. There is no egoistic needs, utilitarian maxiums, hedonic calculus, or cognitive imperatives to run each actions through, merely the acceptance that an action falls in line with the human sense of what is moral and what is not. Due to the sheer chaos and failings of all moral systems in creating an objective, standardized measurement of morality that aligns with our intuition, it is best we accept that no measurement is possible and just move along with our intuition alone. To add further complexity to a system is to increase the amount of flaws in it. Any ethical move that increases complexity has a great chance of increasing flaws and distancing itself away from what is seen to be true in regards to morality: Human intuition. There are few, if any, rational people willing to state that a human's intuition on morality is wrong (they may state other's are wrong, but a man would never attest he is wrong in his moral values). To summarize, Tribalistic Morality accepts that human intuition (rather than reason, a maxium, or personal want) is the best arbiter for morality there can be.
On the subject of governance, rather in state, business, or other organization, and how it works. Mostly focuses on the systems of politics rather than politics itself.
🕓Reading Time: 12 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Oct 09, 2023
Often, I write my work with a presumption in mind: Progress is bad. This view is based in various points of view, some on the question of Industrialism, others on the corrosion inherit to progress-centric politics. This, in the eyes of most people, would put me firmly into the camp of “conservative”, which is a rather vague term, if I’m going to be honest.
I do not embrace the title of “conservative”, not only because labels are bad, but also because the label is inaccurate. When people talk of conservative action, in the mainstream at least, they talk about a specific flavor of weak, unprincipled, and naive type of politics: It’s the politics of “Stuckism”.
🕓Reading Time: 25 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: May 03, 2023
Concisely, precisely, this article will explain the anatomy of the rot that afflicts society as a whole. The source of this rot, how the rot manifests itself, and the conclusions of what the rot will bring upon us if it is to be tolerated in its festering will be discussed.
What is the rot
The rot is the self-accelerating, self-sustained, unprincipled breakdown of all extropic structures that are used as a means of navigating through, sorting out, and governing the logical and experienced world. The rot currently derives its energy from epiphenomenon produced by the systematic, incentive-based critique and dismantling of extropic structures set up by our society.
🕓Reading Time: 11 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Jan 13, 2023

This article is a more refined version of a draft of a previous article I had. The previous article attacked ideologues for their obsession with aesthetic rather than good politics. Midway through writing that article, I realized that the problem stems much deeper than mere aesthetic obsession, but rather the tendency for ideologues to become so obsessed with the constructs of their ideology that they forget why they believe in the ideology in the first place.
🕓Reading Time: 6 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Oct 08, 2022
Corporate Reductionalism
Corporations aren’t real. NGOs aren’t real. Government’s aren’t real. These are some statements that, to the observation of most, are plainly false. People shop at Walmart and eat at McDonalds. People donate to the FSF and heed the World Economic Forum’s words. You likely pay taxes to a Government, federal, state, provincial, local, or other. All these institutions do exist in effect, but the categories they belong to are not real categories due to the fact that these categories lack utility and can instead be reduced to one category of great defining utility: organization.
On the topic of technology, technological progress, and the consequences of technology.
🕓Reading Time: 22 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Mar 27, 2023
If any article I write is going to be worth skipping, this will be the one. Reason why: this will about a contemporary, developing topic. Most people who talk about anything of value should know that whatever concept or topic lies in “the new” is going to get the worst discussion. New topics have no depth, very little theory behind them, and every pseudo-intellectual will have their unprincipled, pet-opinion to toss into the ring on the subject. Most of the time, these pet-opinions are forgotten the second after they’re uttered because a newer new comes out to discuss.
🕓Reading Time: 14 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Feb 19, 2023
I’m sure many are aware of cyborgs, cybernetic organisms, and the general idea behind them. It’s the concept of biological life merging with artifical life. In its most classic conception, it brings about images of mechanistic implants in the eyes, robotic arms, and, to some of the most imaginative, implants within the brain.
The concept is fun for science fiction, but with each passing Elon Musk tweet, we get closer to this cultural meme turning into a macabre reality. The pockets of techno-capital are deep, the revolutionary minds of today are itching for something new, and there’s likely already thousands of clamoring soyboys excited about the idea of having Twitter literally in their brain.
On the topic of knowledge, knowing, and other matters of fact. More philosophical than ideological, but still important for understanding the world.
🕓Reading Time: 9 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: May 16, 2022
All things have happened, will happen, and for sure will happen again. This is the mantra of Metaphysical Infinitism. If one takes The critiques of the Cosmological arguments levied by Paul Edwards seriously (that the Cosmological argument isn't necessarily true due to the fact that a universe could be a self-sustaining infinite regress), then one must hold to infinitist beliefs. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves, what is Infinitism?
On the topic of the state of “the now”. Talking about our current regime, the systems within it, and the socio-cultural-economic apparatuses around it.
🕓Reading Time: 12 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Oct 09, 2023
Often, I write my work with a presumption in mind: Progress is bad. This view is based in various points of view, some on the question of Industrialism, others on the corrosion inherit to progress-centric politics. This, in the eyes of most people, would put me firmly into the camp of “conservative”, which is a rather vague term, if I’m going to be honest.
I do not embrace the title of “conservative”, not only because labels are bad, but also because the label is inaccurate. When people talk of conservative action, in the mainstream at least, they talk about a specific flavor of weak, unprincipled, and naive type of politics: It’s the politics of “Stuckism”.
🕓Reading Time: 10 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Jun 04, 2023
Imagine that two kingdoms are at war, let’s call one the Kingdom of Letoid (The Letoids), and the other kingdom is the Kingdom of Righcuk (The Righcuks). These two kingdoms have been at war for 30 years, and it’s very clear that the Letoids have the upper-hand, although due to internal stability issues, they must negotiate a ceasefire with the Righcuks. The Letoid kingdom sends a liaison to the Righcuks offering a meeting between the two kingdoms to discuss a ceasefire. After much deliberation by the Righcuks, they agree to meet.
🕓Reading Time: 25 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: May 03, 2023
Concisely, precisely, this article will explain the anatomy of the rot that afflicts society as a whole. The source of this rot, how the rot manifests itself, and the conclusions of what the rot will bring upon us if it is to be tolerated in its festering will be discussed.
What is the rot
The rot is the self-accelerating, self-sustained, unprincipled breakdown of all extropic structures that are used as a means of navigating through, sorting out, and governing the logical and experienced world. The rot currently derives its energy from epiphenomenon produced by the systematic, incentive-based critique and dismantling of extropic structures set up by our society.
🕓Reading Time: 11 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Mar 04, 2023
Localism, at least localism in the material world, is an extinct concept. There no longer is a culture of people bound together by material necessity in industrialized nations. What little there is left of a community is defined predominantly by carry over obligations and emotional attachments, but not necessity and interdependence. Because of this, there has been a breakdown in autonomy and political effect in favor of more centralized, globalistic cultures.
🕓Reading Time: 8 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Aug 06, 2022
Conservatism as an ideology isn’t real. To be conservative is to want a current status of society to be continued. The content of said fixed point is laid out in political context of said society. A conservative in 1940s Russia would be a Stalinist and a conservative in 2020 America should be a socially left, economically right, welfare capitalist. In America at least, this group is known as liberals or progressives and your average American conservative is likely not going to identify with the usual ideas supported by liberals or progressives. This is because, in reality, the term conservative is a gross “big tent” label that does more to hurt the causes inside of it than help.
🕓Reading Time: 5 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Dec 04, 2021
The left is absolutely and utterly correct about the fact that the election and subsequent presidency of Donald J. Trump and the election allegations against Joe Biden were a sign of a decaying democracy and the right's disillusion with it. Of course, they put it in a pea-brained fashion as to hit on certain emotional trigger words that'll rile the public up: They'd call Trump a fascist and compare him to Hitler when, in reality, he wasn't that autocratic, but he certainly did have the traits of an undemocratic leader. This was especially the case with the multi-month long shitshow that was the accusations of election fraud. The end result was dubious at best as nothing really came of the accusations and investigations (at lesat by the public's eye, the mainstream has their opinions). To this day, there's still battles over the issue in regards to Dominion voting systems. Though, to not be the "cringe fact-checker", I would like to state that the result of the election doesn't matter and the anti-democratic seeds have already been planted either in truth or valuable fiction.
On the topic of words, phrases, and meaning. Mostly focuses on language-induced mental trickery, and dispelling it.
🕓Reading Time: 6 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Mar 24, 2022
Allegories, parallels, and comparisons are an incredibly useful mechanism for conveying information in any discussion. If one can compare an abstract or unfamiliar concept with the familiar, that concept becomes more tangible to the recipient of the information. This knowledge is likely something an English teacher told you in third grade. It's an elementary concept, but one that is important. I don't think many would deny the fact that allegories are used and allegories have utility, however, there is an annoying misunderstanding in allegorical discussions that will become painfully obvious once pointed out: People take allegories too literally.
On the topic of “doing things” in the world. Because calling it “Praxis” is a lefty thing, this is called “Action”.
🕓Reading Time: 17 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Jul 19, 2023
Radicals, at least the core base of them, have to, by definition, be losers. People usually only take stances for changing society, especially fundamentally changing society, if they see a problem with the society. More often than not, people given the short-end of the stick are the ones who are going to see the problems in society. Well-off, average people, however, have a lot to lose when supporting something revolutionary or radical in society, given that they’re profiteering from the status quo.
🕓Reading Time: 10 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Jun 04, 2023
Imagine that two kingdoms are at war, let’s call one the Kingdom of Letoid (The Letoids), and the other kingdom is the Kingdom of Righcuk (The Righcuks). These two kingdoms have been at war for 30 years, and it’s very clear that the Letoids have the upper-hand, although due to internal stability issues, they must negotiate a ceasefire with the Righcuks. The Letoid kingdom sends a liaison to the Righcuks offering a meeting between the two kingdoms to discuss a ceasefire. After much deliberation by the Righcuks, they agree to meet.
🕓Reading Time: 10 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Apr 11, 2023
“Vice is easy, virtue is hard” is a common mantra that I don’t believe to be true. The default perception of virtue is that it’s a thing to struggle towards, while vice is very easy to pick up and “enjoy”. While some vices and some virtues do fit this preconception, I find it hard to believe that it’s true for everything, or even most things. Is a productive hobby really so “hard” to do when you are driven by the enjoyment from it? Is helping a friend really that difficult if you care for them, or like spending time with them? Is tending to the emotional needs of a lover, whom you care for deeply, all that difficult?
🕓Reading Time: 8 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Nov 27, 2022

Dissenters have a hard time doing any actual damage to the systems they hate. Larpy marches on the capitol, failed attempts to attack big tech, and terrible attempts at political unity all plague any right-wing movement in America. It seems that those against the system cannot catch a break when they make organized attempts.
So, maybe it’s time for a different approach. Most of the attacks that have been on the system have been organized calls to action. Those organized calls to actions failed due to having a single point of failure and by being easy targets for media two minutes of hate. So instead, how about a silent, disorganized attack against the system? An attack that cannot be easily labeled, described, or even glued to an ideology. One that’s very easy to achieve, so easy in fact, it involves doing nothing. An attack that’s not even necessarily political at all, meaning that the neutrals and enemies can join in too. Perhaps, one that’s even already happening: What if we all just quietly quit?
🕓Reading Time: 7 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Oct 03, 2022

Don’t do it! Over-specialization is a perfect way to entrap yourself in one skill. It’s simply not a good idea for both career and practical reasons. If you’re only good at one thing, you’ll never have back up plans, you’ll never be able to analogize properly, and you’ll never be able to synergize other skills.
What is Over-specialization?
Over-specialization is when a person focuses all their effort onto one or a small set of related skills in such a way that other skills atrophy or never develop. Usually this is associated with the delusion that ultra-mastery is what it takes to make it big (we’ll get to that).
On the topic of “current thing”. These articles talk about whatever is “new” and topical, the hot buzz of the now.
🕓Reading Time: 22 Minute Read
🗓️Publish Date: Mar 27, 2023
If any article I write is going to be worth skipping, this will be the one. Reason why: this will about a contemporary, developing topic. Most people who talk about anything of value should know that whatever concept or topic lies in “the new” is going to get the worst discussion. New topics have no depth, very little theory behind them, and every pseudo-intellectual will have their unprincipled, pet-opinion to toss into the ring on the subject. Most of the time, these pet-opinions are forgotten the second after they’re uttered because a newer new comes out to discuss.