
Articles published to the site through time, all of varying quality.

The Debate Bro and his fallacy

🕓Reading Time: 6 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Jan 22, 2025


“Debate” as a sport is one of the most degenerate sports there is. I say this as a former participant in the sport, having done quite well for a first-timer, but quickly realizing how vapid and masturbatory the entire field is.

“Debate” as a sport is the act if arguing for or against a point and the person who is most convincing to a judge wins. You are assigned a topic and are told that you must defend it to your best ability. You usually are given some time before to prepare a defense, all without knowing the other side’s argument. In my time in debate club, this was usually 30 minutes, always ensuring that the topics at hand could never have any depth.

Sarkic Tropes: the Horror of Flesh

🕓Reading Time: 13 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Jun 27, 2024


The phrase “Sarkic” is a Greek word, meaning flesh. It’s a phrase used by the Gnostics to refer to carnal urges: those urges that are instinctual, animalistic, and fleshy. The term now, from my knowledge, is mostly known due to it being assocaited with a flesh-worshiping cult in the SCP collaborative-writing project, at least, that’s how I first came into contact with the term.

The Sarkic Cult within the collaborative writing project fits a mold: It’s a cult that practices eldrich magic with a twist of being in favor of all things fleshy, warm, and festering. It loves disease, is generally luddic in nature, and in worship of some type of Lovecraftian “Old God”. You can get the picture from here, and likely can draw upon some other media as a parallel. Flesh cults are a common and boring trope at this point, the interest in them almost always comes from execution and allegory rather than the concept in itself.

Stuckism: What Conservative Action Really Is

🕓Reading Time: 12 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Oct 09, 2023


Often, I write my work with a presumption in mind: Progress is bad. This view is based in various points of view, some on the question of Industrialism, others on the corrosion inherit to progress-centric politics. This, in the eyes of most people, would put me firmly into the camp of “conservative”, which is a rather vague term, if I’m going to be honest.

I do not embrace the title of “conservative”, not only because labels are bad, but also because the label is inaccurate. When people talk of conservative action, in the mainstream at least, they talk about a specific flavor of weak, unprincipled, and naive type of politics: It’s the politics of “Stuckism”.

Radicals Are Losers

🕓Reading Time: 17 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Jul 19, 2023


Radicals, at least the core base of them, have to, by definition, be losers. People usually only take stances for changing society, especially fundamentally changing society, if they see a problem with the society. More often than not, people given the short-end of the stick are the ones who are going to see the problems in society. Well-off, average people, however, have a lot to lose when supporting something revolutionary or radical in society, given that they’re profiteering from the status quo.

The Gardener's Trap

🕓Reading Time: 10 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Jul 18, 2023


Humanity has convenience and choice to such a point it borders on vice. Humanity assumes, due to said convenience and choice being an easy-to-digest abstraction over the complex reality of the world (along with the systems we build to deal with the complex reality), that the convenience and choice is simply a fact of reality that cannot be contested. Concisely: Since convenience and choice is delivered in an easy format, it’s easy to simply assume that it’ll be there due to its prevalence in society.

Lefties Always Come to Meetings Armed

🕓Reading Time: 10 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Jun 04, 2023


Imagine that two kingdoms are at war, let’s call one the Kingdom of Letoid (The Letoids), and the other kingdom is the Kingdom of Righcuk (The Righcuks). These two kingdoms have been at war for 30 years, and it’s very clear that the Letoids have the upper-hand, although due to internal stability issues, they must negotiate a ceasefire with the Righcuks. The Letoid kingdom sends a liaison to the Righcuks offering a meeting between the two kingdoms to discuss a ceasefire. After much deliberation by the Righcuks, they agree to meet.

The Anatomy of the Rot

🕓Reading Time: 25 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: May 03, 2023


Concisely, precisely, this article will explain the anatomy of the rot that afflicts society as a whole. The source of this rot, how the rot manifests itself, and the conclusions of what the rot will bring upon us if it is to be tolerated in its festering will be discussed.

What is the rot

The rot is the self-accelerating, self-sustained, unprincipled breakdown of all extropic structures that are used as a means of navigating through, sorting out, and governing the logical and experienced world. The rot currently derives its energy from epiphenomenon produced by the systematic, incentive-based critique and dismantling of extropic structures set up by our society.

Virtue's Accessibility Problem

🕓Reading Time: 10 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Apr 11, 2023


“Vice is easy, virtue is hard” is a common mantra that I don’t believe to be true. The default perception of virtue is that it’s a thing to struggle towards, while vice is very easy to pick up and “enjoy”. While some vices and some virtues do fit this preconception, I find it hard to believe that it’s true for everything, or even most things. Is a productive hobby really so “hard” to do when you are driven by the enjoyment from it? Is helping a friend really that difficult if you care for them, or like spending time with them? Is tending to the emotional needs of a lover, whom you care for deeply, all that difficult?

How to Make a Successful Cyber-Ethos

🕓Reading Time: 13 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Mar 27, 2023


A cyber-ethos is, effectively, what most people would refer to as a community on the internet. It is a collective of people on the internet who are contributing to one, centralized internet culture that puts it apart from other internet cultures. Classic examples would be the SCP Foundation, general 4chan culture, and the various deep iFunny communities.

For those engrossed in internet memetics, such as myself, these cyber-ethoses serve as the cultural upstream from which most of the internet deviates from. The OC content of these places nourishes the web with its artistic flare and autistic zest. It’s the contemporary form of obscure culture and art clubs in the real world.

Machine Learning, the UBI System, and Media Incest

🕓Reading Time: 22 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Mar 27, 2023


If any article I write is going to be worth skipping, this will be the one. Reason why: this will about a contemporary, developing topic. Most people who talk about anything of value should know that whatever concept or topic lies in “the new” is going to get the worst discussion. New topics have no depth, very little theory behind them, and every pseudo-intellectual will have their unprincipled, pet-opinion to toss into the ring on the subject. Most of the time, these pet-opinions are forgotten the second after they’re uttered because a newer new comes out to discuss.

The Danger of Labels and Why the Restoration Wont Come From the Bottom Up

🕓Reading Time: 10 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Mar 27, 2023


It’s common to hear people state that “labeling” and categorizing people based on politics is a bad idea. In normie politics, it’s often said that it creates “bias” or tribal mentalities, and those attributes are a negative as they harm the political endeavor of democracy by making less rational voters. At face value this is a decent argument, that is if you’re a fan of democracy (which I am not).

Localism Is Extinct

🕓Reading Time: 11 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Mar 04, 2023


Localism, at least localism in the material world, is an extinct concept. There no longer is a culture of people bound together by material necessity in industrialized nations. What little there is left of a community is defined predominantly by carry over obligations and emotional attachments, but not necessity and interdependence. Because of this, there has been a breakdown in autonomy and political effect in favor of more centralized, globalistic cultures.

Biological Superiority, Software Freedom, and Mastery of Ones Own Domain

🕓Reading Time: 14 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Feb 19, 2023


I’m sure many are aware of cyborgs, cybernetic organisms, and the general idea behind them. It’s the concept of biological life merging with artifical life. In its most classic conception, it brings about images of mechanistic implants in the eyes, robotic arms, and, to some of the most imaginative, implants within the brain.

The concept is fun for science fiction, but with each passing Elon Musk tweet, we get closer to this cultural meme turning into a macabre reality. The pockets of techno-capital are deep, the revolutionary minds of today are itching for something new, and there’s likely already thousands of clamoring soyboys excited about the idea of having Twitter literally in their brain.

Ideology obscufation and abstractions

🕓Reading Time: 11 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Jan 13, 2023


Most ideologues are rolling in their grave due to their follower's abstraction obsessions.

This article is a more refined version of a draft of a previous article I had. The previous article attacked ideologues for their obsession with aesthetic rather than good politics. Midway through writing that article, I realized that the problem stems much deeper than mere aesthetic obsession, but rather the tendency for ideologues to become so obsessed with the constructs of their ideology that they forget why they believe in the ideology in the first place.

The Law Is the Internets Biggest Enemy

🕓Reading Time: 7 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Jan 02, 2023


None of this is legal advice, I am not a lawyer, and this notice is legally required for me to say

People like to shit on libertarians a lot, and sometimes for good reason, however, if there is anything they’ve gotten absolutely right, it’s that when the law gets involved with something, everything becomes horrible.

This is primarily because the law is written by idiots and the evil. Now that sounds like hyperbole, but, once you realize how poorly technical law is for service providers, you’ll sympathize with this mentality. Most of the legislation that exists for regulating the internet hurts small guys more than anything and is one of the great enemies of the free internet. No one wants to be taken into court, or into jail in some cases, because of things that happened on the internet.

Markets, Darwinism, and Trade Unions

🕓Reading Time: 14 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Dec 21, 2022


People are always shocked to hear that I support trade unions (conceptually that is). If you haven’t picked up on it by now, I’m right-wing, in fact, incredibly right-wing and since right wingers, usually, are infected with the horrible “I oppose current thing” mind-virus, it may be a shock that I support something that’s usually left wing. Now, I am not for unions as they currently stand under the NLRA: A monopolistic, democracy-influenced monstrosity that posits that it is the “exclusive representatives of all the employees” and, in some states, can demand the pay of other workers if you don’t live in a “right-to-work” state. However, those complaints aside, I am for unions.

We Cant Save the Old Internet (But Lets Try Anyway)

🕓Reading Time: 11 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Dec 19, 2022


Anyone chronically online knows about the “old internet”, both the literal old internet and the nostalgia bait, nouveau “old internet” that is populated by contrarian hipsters (such as myself) who desire nothing more than to make front end shit again. Both are enigmas in their own right, with the actual old internet being a time capsule from when millennials were zoomers, 9/11 defined the era, and Moore’s law was actually believed to be true.

The Dissident's Masochistic, Schizo-allegiance

🕓Reading Time: 6 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Dec 15, 2022


Dissidents to our current regime find themselves in an unfortunate type of war: a war against themselves. A good portion of those dissidents roaming around today, rather they be trumpsters, communists, monarchists, reactionaries, Luddites, anarchists, libertarians, or some other variant of anti-status quo activist, are on the outs of society intellectually, yet are dependent on it physically (and psychologically). Their body and emotions are at war with their allegiance to their intellectual notions. This tragic state of affairs weakens a dissident over time and acts as one of the great personal plagues of being against the system.

The Political War isn't actually political

🕓Reading Time: 13 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Dec 12, 2022


This may come as a shock, but our current political situation isn’t all that political. It’s a situation, it’s a problematic situation, and it is as it seems when it comes to the parties involved, but those parties are not political parties advocating for policy, they’re parties advocating for entirely different societies.

This may come out as a little confusing at first. Most moderate conservatives and progressives both agree that we live in the same society together, we eat the same food, we drink the same drinks, we fly the same banner, and we vote in the same elections. These facts are, for the most part, are not false. We are under one empire at the moment, however, we are far from unified when getting to the base levels.

Delete Your Account, They Wont Miss You

🕓Reading Time: 5 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Dec 06, 2022


One very common misconception that I see online is that your social media accounts are important because “that’s where your friends are”. This line of thinking is more common among the chronically online types than other groups, a group I am very familiar with as I am one. Thankfully, or unfortunately for some, your “online friends” really do not care about you and will not miss you if you disappeared one day.

Don't Make Blog posts, Make Articles

🕓Reading Time: 7 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Nov 28, 2022


This site used to be a website of “blogging” and it was frankly terrible. Any time I look back on those old blog posts I made, I cringe horribly because I knew I could do better. However, with this cringe comes vital knowledge: If you’re going to host a website online, make it a website with articles rather than blog posts.

Blogging gives you a “Tweet mindset”

Blogging as a format is focused more on short, easy to digest, quantity-based postings rather than proper, longer-form developed posts. Anyone who has read my old blog would know that what I wrote was usually never more than 300 words and consisted of under-developed topics and baseless assertions. These were not high quality posts by any merit, however, like most blogs, this is what I thought was the “correct” way to do blogs.

The Siphoning Strategy

🕓Reading Time: 8 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Nov 27, 2022


Rather you like it or not, this is what peak dissenter looks like.

Dissenters have a hard time doing any actual damage to the systems they hate. Larpy marches on the capitol, failed attempts to attack big tech, and terrible attempts at political unity all plague any right-wing movement in America. It seems that those against the system cannot catch a break when they make organized attempts.

So, maybe it’s time for a different approach. Most of the attacks that have been on the system have been organized calls to action. Those organized calls to actions failed due to having a single point of failure and by being easy targets for media two minutes of hate. So instead, how about a silent, disorganized attack against the system? An attack that cannot be easily labeled, described, or even glued to an ideology. One that’s very easy to achieve, so easy in fact, it involves doing nothing. An attack that’s not even necessarily political at all, meaning that the neutrals and enemies can join in too. Perhaps, one that’s even already happening: What if we all just quietly quit?

Corperate Reductionalism

🕓Reading Time: 6 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Oct 08, 2022


Corporate Reductionalism

Corporations aren’t real. NGOs aren’t real. Government’s aren’t real. These are some statements that, to the observation of most, are plainly false. People shop at Walmart and eat at McDonalds. People donate to the FSF and heed the World Economic Forum’s words. You likely pay taxes to a Government, federal, state, provincial, local, or other. All these institutions do exist in effect, but the categories they belong to are not real categories due to the fact that these categories lack utility and can instead be reduced to one category of great defining utility: organization.

Don't Over-Specialize!

🕓Reading Time: 7 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Oct 03, 2022


Specialization is for incects.

Don’t do it! Over-specialization is a perfect way to entrap yourself in one skill. It’s simply not a good idea for both career and practical reasons. If you’re only good at one thing, you’ll never have back up plans, you’ll never be able to analogize properly, and you’ll never be able to synergize other skills.

What is Over-specialization?

Over-specialization is when a person focuses all their effort onto one or a small set of related skills in such a way that other skills atrophy or never develop. Usually this is associated with the delusion that ultra-mastery is what it takes to make it big (we’ll get to that).

Don't Go To College!

🕓Reading Time: 18 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Aug 20, 2022


College is a joke. The punchline is the fact that you get scammed out of time and money for an overvalued certification. Most fields are over-staffed and you shouldn't go into them. The fields that aren't overstaffed won't pay for the education you got. Even if you're lucky enough to get a full ride scholarship (or go on the taxpayer's dole), you will be losing plenty of time in the process for what might be very little reward.

Conservatism Doesn't Exist

🕓Reading Time: 8 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Aug 06, 2022


Conservatism as an ideology isn’t real. To be conservative is to want a current status of society to be continued. The content of said fixed point is laid out in political context of said society. A conservative in 1940s Russia would be a Stalinist and a conservative in 2020 America should be a socially left, economically right, welfare capitalist. In America at least, this group is known as liberals or progressives and your average American conservative is likely not going to identify with the usual ideas supported by liberals or progressives. This is because, in reality, the term conservative is a gross “big tent” label that does more to hurt the causes inside of it than help.


🕓Reading Time: 9 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: May 16, 2022


What comes around goes around


All things have happened, will happen, and for sure will happen again. This is the mantra of Metaphysical Infinitism. If one takes The critiques of the Cosmological arguments levied by Paul Edwards seriously (that the Cosmological argument isn't necessarily true due to the fact that a universe could be a self-sustaining infinite regress), then one must hold to infinitist beliefs. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves, what is Infinitism?

The Art Of Persuasion

🕓Reading Time: 13 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: May 16, 2022


Two individuals debating the recent increase in banana prices

The Art of Persuasion

It's not uncommon that I'll get compliments on my persuasive, or rhetorical, ability. I see this gift as highly useful, what good is good writing and good logic if you're a poor communicator? What good is good ideas and good intent if you're incapable of expressing it? What good is a debate if you cannot articulate your argument? Of course the answer to all these questions is nothing. They're good for nothing without the art of communication. So, to further all these arts in a bout of humanitarian good will, I will be giving some guidelines on how to be rhetorically successful.

Religious Teleology And Chaos

🕓Reading Time: 8 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Apr 18, 2022


"Order may arise from chaos" is a common justification against teleological arguments in favor of God or a Grand Architect. Simply put, the world having order isn't necessarily indicative of there being a creator of that order. As an example, repeating digits in a random pool of numbers are a form of order found in chaos. Tribes and bonds forming out of random groups of people are too. Throwing a die and getting the same number repeatedly is also order in chaos. This, while true, fails to take into account consistency over time and how that factor may make the notion of a God more plausable.

Allegory Misdirection

🕓Reading Time: 6 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Mar 24, 2022


Allegories, parallels, and comparisons are an incredibly useful mechanism for conveying information in any discussion. If one can compare an abstract or unfamiliar concept with the familiar, that concept becomes more tangible to the recipient of the information. This knowledge is likely something an English teacher told you in third grade. It's an elementary concept, but one that is important. I don't think many would deny the fact that allegories are used and allegories have utility, however, there is an annoying misunderstanding in allegorical discussions that will become painfully obvious once pointed out: People take allegories too literally.

Car Wrecks As Enemy Factories

🕓Reading Time: 5 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Mar 24, 2022


Now you see, if you that Sedan on the right just moved into the 4th dimension exactly 3 seconds before, he would have never gotten into the wreck!

Ever been in a car wreck? If you haven't then you're either too young to even read this piece (please go and enjoy your childhood) or you're incredibly lucky. For those who are lucky (or those children who find reading prose in shitty fonts fun), don't have a wreck, it is an enemy factory.

Fixing A Broken Cogito

🕓Reading Time: 2 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Feb 19, 2022


Cogito, ergo sum is the basic notion of "I think therefore I am" that Descartes used to prove the existence of the world. This Cogito was then broken by multiple philosophers (namely due to the fact that the statement "I think therefore I am" implies an improvable identity due to the existence of I) and thus has left this proof as a way of looking at the world broken. Though, what hasn't been contemplated as much as it should is if there is still a world to be built from here, and I believe there there is. We can build ethics out of this broken state, a simple ethics, a subjective ethics, but an ethics none the less. Thoughts occur in the void, and those thoughts we know can be qualia. The qualia may not be associated with other qualia, but for certain we know there is qualia. Qualia by nature of itself has value attached, if you have the qualia of pain, it will be negative. If you have the qualia of enjoyment, it will be positive. Due to this, we can construct an ethical system in where maximizing positive qualia experienced is a must. As all we know is thoughts (including qualia), we don't have any tangible way to do so unless something further is constructed.

Teaching Complex Math Is Bogus

🕓Reading Time: 7 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Feb 12, 2022


Mathophiles be like: hmmm, this looks solvable

Upper level Mathematics as a core subject is one of the most perplexing parts of the American curriculum. The level niche, obscure, and abstract thought found in classes like "Algebra 2" and "Trigonometry" is taught as if it were as fundamental as language, the basics of history, and the entire concept of logic itself. The concepts learned past the basics associations with solving for X, measuring simple shapes, and basic plotting serve very little purpose to the average person in their personal and professional lives. The amount of time sunk into these subjects also is absurd, with most of the upper level classes serving no additive purpose in themselves. The amount of time used on these subjects could go to any other form of good knowledge such as philosophy or the students own interests.

Differentiation Is Political

🕓Reading Time: 8 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Feb 12, 2022


Political Scientists world wide are trying to figure out what THIS will mean for the coming midterms.

Differentiation Is Political

The concept of differentiation is inherently a political one. The ability to say "this and that" is something completely wound up in politics despite its very mundane nature. To say that X is different from Y is a political statement and I will tell you why:

Defeating Respondus LockDown Browser

🕓Reading Time: 6 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Jan 18, 2022


Respondus LockDown Browser

Revised and updated version of this article. Newer version is much more enumerative and explanatory on steps.

The Respondus LockDown Browser is bullshit proprietary malware and should be circumvented by anyone to prove to retarded academics it is a scam. Here's how to do it:

The follow is a set of instructions on how to create an obscured or harder to detect Linux Virtual Machine that run’s Microsoft’s Windows Operating System. Prerequisites The following skills, software, and objects are needed as to be able to created an OLKVM:

Browser Reviews

🕓Reading Time: 11 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Dec 08, 2021


The web browser has become a staple of the modern computer for its ability to access websites and web based programs. Many people simply need a good browser that gets them through their web traveling easily and simply. Sadly, most web browsers are filled to the brim with spyware, bloat, tracking, or lack some basic features. For this, I have compiled a list of browsers that, based on categorization, I suggest.

Rightist Disallusion With Democracy

🕓Reading Time: 5 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Dec 04, 2021


The left is absolutely and utterly correct about the fact that the election and subsequent presidency of Donald J. Trump and the election allegations against Joe Biden were a sign of a decaying democracy and the right's disillusion with it. Of course, they put it in a pea-brained fashion as to hit on certain emotional trigger words that'll rile the public up: They'd call Trump a fascist and compare him to Hitler when, in reality, he wasn't that autocratic, but he certainly did have the traits of an undemocratic leader. This was especially the case with the multi-month long shitshow that was the accusations of election fraud. The end result was dubious at best as nothing really came of the accusations and investigations (at lesat by the public's eye, the mainstream has their opinions). To this day, there's still battles over the issue in regards to Dominion voting systems. Though, to not be the "cringe fact-checker", I would like to state that the result of the election doesn't matter and the anti-democratic seeds have already been planted either in truth or valuable fiction.

How To Bridge Matrix And Discord

🕓Reading Time: 2 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Nov 09, 2021


One of the highlighting features of the Matrix is that it busts The Networking Effect. This means that, in laymans terms, Matrix has the ability to bridge the strangehold that platforms have on their users. A Matrix user can talk to an IRC and Discord user at the same time, in the same chat room with relative ease. On top of this, Matrix can act as a medium of communication for different services and protocals. Matrix can be a bridge between IRC and Discord if need be.

The Discord Situation

🕓Reading Time: 7 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Nov 09, 2021


Average Discord "Femboy" (Warning! Mentally unstable!)

Discord has decided to ban me!

Why was I banned?

Not even two weeks after Discord disabled me for not forking over a phone number, my account has been permanently disabled due to posting "dehumanizing or discriminatory content or incited violence towards an individual or community". What did I do in reality? Troll a communist, anarchist, femboy on a Discord server for posting unfunny femboy memes. He threatened to report me and successfully did so. In my opinion, this situation is extraordinarily ironic since the Anarchist crowd usually tries to champion themselves as the freedom-loving types! Such is life though, I will simply need to clean the mess up and move on.

Revolt Against The Centralized Internet

🕓Reading Time: 4 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Sep 03, 2021


The nature of the modern internet and its consequences has been a disaster for the rights of its users and the further liberation of the people who use it. The internet as its stands is dominated by multiple, multi-national corporations that act as governance over the very nature of how people communicate, speak, work, and act, so much so, that one can be silenced from multiple public squares of communication just due to the content of one's ideas. This would not be as much of a problem if internet usage was not as wide spread and the world was not so utterly reliant on its "services", especially in these trying times. These massive corporations, without any form of regulation, act as monopolies on censorship, right withholding, and other grievances by Draconian terms of services that force the user to forfeit major rights such as the right to privacy, the right to a fair trial, and and the right to free speech in return for the "privilege" to become a data cash cow for these tyrannical beasts. Exercising the sometimes-right [1] to a free market by refusal to use these dis-services leads to ostricization, major disadvantages in terms of opportunity, and, at times, possible legal action against an individual[2]. This abhorrent practice of complacency is compounded with the cultural notion of apathy to these things, most people simply trust these companies out of ineptitude, lack of thinking, or, the most common reason, not reading the terms of service and therefore having no understanding of forfeited rights. Due to the unholy mixture of legal ineptitude, computational inability, and yet a high power over what the free individual can do with his life in terms of monetary, social, or even legal ability, a scenario is created where a majority have entrusted for-profit, amoral corporations with governmental power. These companies are now able to strike down any individual who does not bow to tyranny and ignorance from all online markets, all ways of online communications, and all online abilities. This power should be trusted in nobody and, when exercised, can easily destroy lives.

Should You Use Windows 7?

🕓Reading Time: 3 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Aug 31, 2021


Windows 7 is sometimes regarded as the "last good Windows" by those who have used it. It was a perfect blend of compatibility, usability, and RAM hogging simplicity that made it a favorite for those willing to put up with Microsoft's garbage. I will admit, in terms of compatibility and usability, it was great and should be respected in that regard, but has been abandoned with no plans for upcycling, meaning that no one is officially developing Windows 7 anymore. Now deprecation is not an unusual occurrence for an OS, plenty of operating systems eventually move on from old versions to lightened the development load. This isn't a problem until you realize that the "upgrade" being offered in the case of Windows 7 is not really an upgrade, but instead a restrictive, intensely privacy invasive, freedom denying disaster used to milk money out of the customers rather than respecting them. For various reasons, the "upgrade" offered has left a sour taste in many users mouths, some have opted to upgrade just to Windows 8, but, just like Windows 7, it soon enough be deprecated in favor of shoving Windows 10 down the user's throat. This leads Windows 7 users in a hard spot if they decide to stick with Windows, they could either bite the bullet and just upgrade (losing many basic freedoms in the process) OR they could stick with Windows 7. Both options are terrible, but sticking with Windows 7 could be just as bad, if not worse.

Tribal Morality

🕓Reading Time: 24 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Aug 29, 2021


Professor Banana of MIT (Monkey Institute on Treeology) giving his annual lecture on Tribal Morality and how it pertains to Ookarianism.

Tribal Morality (or as I like to call it, Monkey Morality or Jungle-based Social Ethics) is a system of morality that seems to be most in line with the human sense of right and wrong. Tribalistic morality accepts human intuition as the best arbiter for moral decisions and their application. There is no egoistic needs, utilitarian maxiums, hedonic calculus, or cognitive imperatives to run each actions through, merely the acceptance that an action falls in line with the human sense of what is moral and what is not. Due to the sheer chaos and failings of all moral systems in creating an objective, standardized measurement of morality that aligns with our intuition, it is best we accept that no measurement is possible and just move along with our intuition alone. To add further complexity to a system is to increase the amount of flaws in it. Any ethical move that increases complexity has a great chance of increasing flaws and distancing itself away from what is seen to be true in regards to morality: Human intuition. There are few, if any, rational people willing to state that a human's intuition on morality is wrong (they may state other's are wrong, but a man would never attest he is wrong in his moral values). To summarize, Tribalistic Morality accepts that human intuition (rather than reason, a maxium, or personal want) is the best arbiter for morality there can be.

Tribler - Free, Anonymous torrenting

🕓Reading Time: 1 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Aug 07, 2021


For those of you without the money for a VPN, you can always use Tribler. Tribler is a torrent client that routes your downloads through other users and exit nodes as to allow you to anonymously download torrents. The structure works similar to tor and thus it provides a layer of anonymity that should protect you against copyright trolls. You are rewarded for seeding and offering data space with "network tokens" that, if you have a high amount of, will give you preferential treatment in the network. The program also integrates user-curated torrent aggregation as to further increase usability and decentralization. Users may import their own torrents without any hassle either and even create their own public torrent collections for others to browse and download from. The program has become my main torrent client hence forth due to its low costs, high decentralization, and ease of use.

Analyzing A Culture of Failure

🕓Reading Time: 4 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Jun 18, 2021


People who cannot stand on their own with confidence in their ability are a type of self-defeating failure. These people are those who reject skill, downplay accomplishment, and then have the crab mentality to pull down those who are confident. They are the type of person who makes fun of someone being knowledgeable or skilled. They usually have accomplished nothing of note themselves. These sorts of parasitic people are incapable of even the most basic tasks that require even minimal amounts of skill due to a rejection of self-improvement in favor of self-deprecation. These people are failures to themselves and others as this self-deprecating mentality spreads. These sorts of behaviors have likely been seen before if you're in any way socially active, They may take the form of stoners, brute hedonists, the irrational, or other forms of personal degenerates. There is an archetype of person who, rather than respecting someone's skill and maybe offering proper critique of a work, would rather tear down a man for being proud in his ability in concept. These sorts of poisonous people see anyone willing to talk even moderately highly of themselves and otherwise deviate from the social norm of [self-deprecation]{.underline} as evil and must be socially thwarted. Oddly enough, this gives rise to a form of arrogance (not confidence, but arrogance) where they rationalize being the way they are and see themselves in a position of moral superiority because they enable failure. They justify this, ironically enough, by calling others "arrogant" and they need to "come down to Earth". While this seems humble at first, these people are after blood and wish to make sure that the successful man is as glazed over, unskilled, and as lazy as he is. Whats worse yet is this sort of mentality isn't an uncommon one. People don't usually laugh at these people or simply ignore their attention seeking laze, but rather enable with following snide remarks and marches towards degeneracy in a pursuit of being socially acceptable. This type of behavior has become an almost dominant archetype among the fatherless and cultures of the weak. This mentality festers among the emotionally stunted, unskilled, lazy, or otherwise weak population. These people punish greatness rather than seeking it and are generally loathsome for any good minded person.

Babbies First GNU+Linux

🕓Reading Time: 12 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Jun 15, 2021


Adapted from an earlier work

GNU+Linux, is a libre OS with a focus on user freedom and an Unix-like computing experience. If someone told you to try (GNU+)Linux, Install Gentoo, or something similar, this page is for you and will teach you how to (at the minimum) install a GNU+Linux distribution called Linux Mint. Of course, there are plenty of other distro(butions) for niche features, different people, or Stallman-like needs. If you are willing to go off the beaten path (most of what is here will be the same for other distros, but make sure to follow official install guides), you can see Distrochooser or the linked picture to give you an idea on how to make a selection.

The Left-Right Divide: A Radical Solution

🕓Reading Time: 8 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: Jun 13, 2021


Flag of the larpers radical solution

As it currently stands, the United States of America is a shambling mass of cultures, political positions, classes, and economic opinions. All of these groups are in a desperate bid for power and control over the nation. This sort of power-hungry politics has manifested itself in the perceived divide in American politics in where the left and right are at each others throats in all issues. Both are reactionary in the primitive sense to one another, the left acts, the right reacts, the left reacts, the right reacts. This focus-spiral that has formed undermines the political ability of both sides in pursuing policy as both sides are more interested in power rather than politics; the left and right's reactionary actions are focused on obtaining and sustaining power more than anything. These observations have been seen by the radical ends of both the left and right as the alternative right and extreme right rejects the mainstream right in pursuit of its own goals and the radical left does much the same to their own groups.

Why Is Being Belligerently Adherent Based?

🕓Reading Time: 4 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: May 28, 2021


I don\'t think he's aware at all

This is a question that might have cropped up if you have ever seen someone feign willful ignorance of faults to the ideas or positions they have. They will dismiss critique, emphasize the quality of ignorance, and do so with a happy smile. This behavior can be seen from politics, to religion, to mere opinionated discussion. The less reasonable and more primitive your argument is, the more successful it is. Take for example someone defending the notion that, in a fight, a monkey would beat a crocodile. If the person betting on a crocodile starts giving reasoning based on statistics, power of the crocodile, and generally accepted reasoning for their position, they'll be outclass in pure rhetorical power if the monkey followers simply replies with "big monkey" or some equally unfounded, unreasonable, and irrational non-sequitur. While the example given is purely trivial, this sort of idea can easily be seen in justification of political moves of people.

"But, why should I care about libre software?"

🕓Reading Time: 9 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: May 28, 2021


The Homeless man trying to sell you on free software

In an era of innovation like today, it is important that we make sure that we are using our tools rather than it being the other way around. One of the many ways to do this is by making sure that your software is free. Now the term free may make someone think of shareware software such as WinRAR or "free" games that The Epic Store gives out, but this is not free. This is gracias software. This software comes free of charge, but does not afford you the fundamental freedoms of owning a piece of software. These fundamental freedoms are the real prize in question, but having something free of cost is preferable to paying. The fundamental freedoms are are as follows:

Do Not use Ripcord!

🕓Reading Time: 2 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: May 28, 2021


Ripcord is a proprietary Discord/Slack client that aims to fix one of the major issues with Discord: Performance. It uses non-free licensing and refuses to adopt a libre policy under the guise that it is more profitable (ignoring the fact that making money is completely possible under the GPL and a piece of software such as this should use this as a benefit) to distribute the software as shareware with a "premium" version. The creator of Ripcord refuses to hear anyone's arguments out in favor of libre-licensing to the point where its now been memeticized on their server. This type of software should be avoided for many reasons, but the only people using this type of client are looking only for practical reasons not to use it as they do not care about its non-free nature. This is understandable as many people want things that "just werks", but sadly non-free software doesn't "just werk" as there exists a bottleneck in the development team. As of currently, many key features are missing from the client such as muting, animated emotes, gif usage, webm usage, steaming, and much more, but due to developer refusal and bottleneck, wont be added in a timely matter, or in some cases, at all. If the source code was open to the public, or at least given to the end user who purchases the product, many developers could already be ironing out the software, optimizing the code further, offering new features, and adopting a module-like focus (with Ripcord being the base, and if you want animated gifs, webms, etc. you can install a community made plugin for it), but alas, this isn't the case and wont be the case due to a stubborn developer. Of course, if he does change his mind about licensing and the code is audited to be safe I would suggest using the software. The program shines at what its supposed to do, but due to the constraints of development the proprietor of the software has put on the software, it is in a bare state and will likely fizzle out in the coming years, especially when Discord starts cracking down on this client or when the main developer loses interest.

How To Break: Videos

🕓Reading Time: 4 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: May 28, 2021


How To Break: Videos

The classic video. A great way of combining audio and visual components to make high quality, entertaining, or informative products. A great way to spread a message or express yourself. Today we will be tossing all of that aside in the pursuit if trash.

Shit you need to get this started:

  • A copy of ffmpeg or equivalent
  • Access to the terminal (preferably Unix-like;gnome-terminal in my case)
  • The ability to type
  • Basic knowledge of video encoding or a willingness to learn

To start, I will posting a ffmpeg command that will get you the compressed to shit video.
ffmpeg -i input.whatever -vf scale=85:-1 -c:v libvpx -b:v 1k -b:a 1k -deadline best output.webm
This command is complex, but each part will be explained in full by the end of it. Lets start with breaking it down: This command takes the input (input.whatever) applies the visual effect of scale to it, the scale is 85x-1. The -1 is representative of whatever the file's aspect ratio is equal to. For example, the width of 85 with an aspect ratio of 16:9 would lead to a height of 47.81, rounded up to 48. So it'll take input.whatever, down (or up)-scale it to said size and then move onto the codec. The codec is the -c, the :v appended says its the video codec its refering to. This codec can be swapped out of your choosing, but libvpx has given me the best results. -b:v changes the bitrate of the video. In this example its only 1 kilobyte per second, a disgusting video to say the least. -b:a does the same to the audio, making it have that low quality crunch. The final option, deadline, indicates it wants the cpu to takes it time and use the most resourced it can to get the best compression, this can lead to a lower file size and slightly more compression. This over all turns a video that looks fine into one that looks like absolute garbage. Videos below are hosting on another website, watch if you wish.

Libre tools for artists

🕓Reading Time: 7 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: May 28, 2021


Libre tools for artists

When it comes to artists, they have it the roughest with tools. Most people will misunderstand what an artist wants in terms of tooling and offer bad advice (like offering GIMP as a replacement for Clip Paint Studio, or offering Audacity as a replacement for Fruityloops), and this comes out of a lack of knowledge of the question, but having a good place in the heart. The point of this article is to rectify these mistakes and offer a proper, libre alternative for artists to use.

Media Is Mockery

🕓Reading Time: 8 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: May 28, 2021


A victim of Media induced Psychosis.

Media is a Mockery

Fictional media is a total mockery of our actual reality. It is used to distract people with pretty pictures, tight-knit story lines, and comforting messages that make the day-to-day life a little easier to bare, but, in the end, do more harm than good by giving us a false perception of a good world. This sort of supplementary satisfaction, when in small dosages and when one is already in a well state, is usually not harmful; when one can separate fiction from reality the media is fine. However, when the fictitious world becomes idealized as if it were real, problems start to occur. When a person sees a fictional world while in a poor state or over consumes fiction, the line between fiction and reality blurs. A story becomes just as, if not more, powerful than the life they live. Said person with an estranged power-dynamic on reality will see the story just as, if not more, powerful than their own experienced reality. This sort of idealization is much more prevalent when talking of visual media that have characters with high amounts of reliability. Once a situation in where a distorted reality occurs, one may begin pulling upon media as a comparison, even if they aren't aware they are doing so. This is especially true if the person in question is living in abject misery. When one subjects oneself to unlivable, inhumane conditions, that person will seek out a life without those conditions. This can manifest in many ways, but due to the modern, expansive nature of media in where one can obtain hours of content, story arcs, and characters in the span of a mere few hours, the story-driven media has become the most successful at co-opting human attention.

P2P Is Free!

🕓Reading Time: 4 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: May 28, 2021


The Average Internet Pirate

Sharing files is the core of what the internet is and having to rely on a server with data caps, bandwidth limits, dropping connections, temporary file hosting, or worse, privacy invasion is the last thing you want. If you want to send a nice family vactation photo to grandma or a totally legal song to your friend, usually you have to rely on the physical methods or someone else's service, but its the modern world and that is not needed. We can transfer files with ease using a couple different programs. Though, this tutorial will be focusing more on Unix-like operating systems, but all of these have some version for NT/DOS enviroments, but you should do your own research for that one.

The Internal States

🕓Reading Time: 9 Minute Read

🗓️Publish Date: May 28, 2021


Human internal states can be abstracted and explained in many ways. Much of the Philosophy of Mind wishes to explain the relationship of the human consciousness to the body and how that effects us. This is not that. This is an abstracting layer above the Philosophy of Mind that wishes to give us meaningful interpretation of the mind and its faculties. These interpretations are far from unique and are what I use to define the internal state of being that I hold.